Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday Funday

Sorry I've been a bit absent lately!  The fall has been somewhat busy, but I do have to admit that I've been lazy on the blogging front.  This week I travelled to NYC for work, so I was looking forward to a simple quiet weekend.  Some highlights included going to the Turf Club last night to see one of my favorite bands, Woods.  They put on a great show, and I got their new record "Bend Beyond", which I can't stop listening to.

I also made a run to the store to pick up some supplies for a special mitten kit request, and some more white roving yarn for my next contribution to Ship and Shape.  Stay tuned!

Tonight I'm enjoying reading some zines I picked up a few weeks ago at Minneapolis' "Zine Fest".  My favorites are Jessica Campbell's "My Sincerest Apologies" and Flat Mountain Press' "Flat Mountain Chronicle, vol. 2."

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